Dad, Mother & me

Dad, Mother & me
Sept. 2010

October 14, 2010

It's going to be a great day.........

  Well, I am looking forward to what the day has in store....Mother, Daddy & I are going to a couple of cemeteries in Frankston to look for some tombstones for "photo requests" I received on  findagrave.comWe are going to eat lunch somewhere & get the oil changed in their car.  Then, it's off to Tyler - I have an appointment at 4:00, and Daddy said they will go, too, & we will just "make a day out of it"!!  He is so easy-going these days.  (I still have vivid memories of the days when he was exactly the opposite most of the time!!)  I hope it is a trait that will eventually "rub off" on me.  
  Yesterday (Wed.), when I saw Mother, she had just gotten out of the bathtub.  She was coming towards me with her hands in position to "cup" my face, and there was a look of excitement on her face.  She told me she didn't know what had happened to me.  She said, "I thought you just about forgot who we were!"  (It had only been 5 days since I had been there, & had just talked to her 2 days before on the telephone - she told me about the same thing then.)  As long as she is happy to see me & still knows who I am, I will not worry so much about the fact that she doesn't remember how long it's been since she has seen me.  I know the day will come when she no longer knows any of us - and I just try to make the most out of every day that she still does.  (I am used to being called Waynette, Jaycie, & Morgan - and vice versa.  But, it's always been that way, and understandably so!)  
  Anyway, I don't have a lot of time this morning, & I wanted to be sure & post today.  I hope to do better & post more often, which was what I had planned when I began.  But, as we all can attest, things happen that prevent what we plan from actually happening all the time.  So, I will just vow to do what I can, when I can - I will post about our day soon, though.  And, that is a promise.................
  Until then, "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY"!!!


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