Dad, Mother & me

Dad, Mother & me
Sept. 2010

February 3, 2012

One day at a time.........

  Well, since my last post, many changes have taken place.  (I said I was going to do better & not have such time lapses between posts......I failed miserably!)  There are so many things going on & although it isn't a legitimate reason, simply an excuse, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in each day!! 
  Mother has gone down considerably the last year.  It is very heart-breaking to witness her decline.  Physically, she is beginning to get worse, & mentally, there are still some good days - they are just becoming fewer & farther between.  The "little" things we do without even giving a second's thought, are now the biggest things for her.  Many times, she doesn't know where the bathroom, either Daddy, myself or Jaycie, take her by the hand & lead her to the bathroom.  I always stay with her.  It is at these times, when the look in her eyes is one of total confusion.  She wanders around the house most of the day & it is obvious that she doesn't know where she is & not one thing seems "familiar" to her.  She has been saying she "needs to go home" for about 2 months or so now.  Bless her heart!!  She will ask if I know where Wade or C.L. are.  We try to change the subject & that has seemed to work for us thus far.  It hurts me so bad to see this horrible disease rob my mother, the one who could do ANYTHING, of everything she knew & enjoyed.   Through it all, she still has been able to hold on to the gentle, sweet spirit that has always been a part of her.  She doesn't argue or get angry, & she never complains.  Knowing that the worst is still yet to come, I AM thankful for all the wonderful years we all had with her.  And, I am going to continue to be by her side, for I know she never left mine!! 
  Just a thought to ponder:  If you are still blessed enough to have your mother, & she is healthy & still as you have always known her to be, please take the time to talk to her, ask her questions, & tell her how much you love her.  When it's too late, it is too late.  I just assumed there would be plenty of time for that, but I was wrong.  And for that, I have questions that will never be answered, because I didn't ask when I could have & should have.  We never know what tomorrow holds............take advantage of every opportunity you have to do the things you feel certain have no time limit.  And, please, pray that a cause & a cure will be found for Alzheimer's Disease!!!!